Buy some health & happiness

Swisse | An Inlight Project


Working closely with the digital team this work is a proud step forward for Swisse on their journey to be category leaders through better ecommerce strategies, compelling content and personalisation.

This project was designed, developed and delivered in stages. With a foundational approach, we first reimagined the online experience without the checkout flow because of the technical limitations at the time. The initial focus was ensuring discoverability of content and products, creating a design system that incorporated new brand direction and established reusable patterns and components that could be driven by data and personalised for individual audiences.

Discoverability of content is always critical. Reviewing search terms and analytics we learnt that there is no one way people where looking for information, with some searching by name, others by benefit or ingredient. It was also discovered that conversion would increase if people had first seen content that spoke to the benefits or the scientific credibility of Swisse products (proof)

We utilised Algolia for search, that enabled us to easily develop tailored and fast search results. 

We also placed emphasis in making the information architecture clear and simple but also modelled around logical groupings of products as well as existing ranges. 

We then created flows that tapped into not just one type of content but allowed content to mix, ensuring that there was always an opportunity to continue onto more relevant content or products. 

Pages and components were also designed and structured in a way that allowed for personalisation though the capture of implicit and explicit data. 

An additional focus was on increasing membership registration. So paired with great benefits we positioned messaging and CTA’s to deliberately make it require no thought and is quick and simple to complete.  

After a CMS replatform onto Craft we were then able to direct the effort towards the ecommerce function of the Swisse site. 

The eccomerce space is incredibly competitive. Brands, business, and the people who run them continue to advance and so should their digital experiences. The cycle of ever changing design aesthetics, technical capabilities, shipping trends and economic shifts will continue to challenge design decisions around ecommerce solutions. However the online shopping mechanism has been around for a significant amount of time now and we shouldn't try to change it. 

For Swisse, we added to our UI foundations by redesigning the product detail pages, mini cart, checkout flow and members section. We took into consideration how we could make the process quick and simple. We thought about first time users, return users as well as advocates and their loyalty.

We also explored ideas like free samples, bundling, upsell / cross selling products and redemption of free shipping. 

There was also challenges around discount stacking, credit, mixed payment methods and global shipping to be solved. 

While the numbers can’t be shared, It is incredibly rewarding to see an increase in metrics following this collection of work. Cart conversion has seen a significant increase as has overall sales.


Over the course of its life a digital products is shaped by many hands. It was a pleasure to get the opportunity to contribute to this one.